Troy Moon, Pensacola State College
Walk the halls on any Pensacola State College campus, and you’ll see everyone masked up and keeping their distance. Walk into any office and you’ll find hand-sanitizer and more masks. And the disinfectant wipes for each office are on their way.
Pensacola State’s Covid-19 Response Plan gives details on how the College will work to keep PSC students and employees healthy and virus-free.
“The purpose of the plan is let all College employees and students know about the required protective actions the College is putting in place to fight Covid-19 and keep everyone safe and healthy,’’ said Tom Gilliam, PSC Vice President of General Counsel.
The 16-page plan details everything from cleaning and safety supplies that will be provided for employees and students, as well as guidelines for steps to be taken if someone is exposed to the virus.
A few highlights of the Response Plan:
• All employees, students and visitors are required to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between themselves and other people at all times.
• Every employee, student and visitor on any PSC campus or center is required to wear a cloth face cover in the public area of all buildings. Face covering or masks must also be worn outside when a 6-foot separation between people cannot be maintained. “Public Areas” include hallways, restrooms, common workspaces, meeting rooms, serviced areas, waiting areas, elevators, stairwells, classrooms and all other areas utilized by more than one person at a time. The College will provide face covers for employees, and for all students on campus for services.
• The College’s custodial services is using a biocide agent on frequently-touched surfaces each evening. These custodians will also wipe frequently-touched areas throughout the day.
• PSC will also provide disinfecting wipes and other cleaning supplies to all departments. When fall classes begin on Aug. 17, the time between classes will be extended to allow custodial workers to clean the classroom before the next class resumes.
Gilliam said much of the PSC Covid-19 Response Plan parallels CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines. He said further guidelines about how classes will operate under pandemic conditions will be released soon.
To read the full Pensacola State College Covid-19 Response Plan go to https://www.pensacolastate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/PSC-COVID-19-Response-Plan-for-Student-and-Non-Faculty-rev-2020-06-30.pdf.