The group, comprised of alumni members and supporters, spent their time in Lafitte Louisiana enjoying campsite conversation, mornings with a view, and of course a crawfish boil for dinner one evening.
Despite rough weather that rolled through the Friday evening of their arrival, the guests made it out on the water in small groups in search of Redfish. Dufour’s Fishing Charters did their best to set the men up for success, and although they were not overwhelmed by fish they did catch some while enjoying the adventure.
“The fishing and weather were mediocre but the fellowship was excellent! Everyone had a wonderful Cajun experience in Lafitte Louisiana. We capped off the evening with crawfish, cigars and promises to do it all again next year.” – Mike Thomas, PSC Alumni Association Executive Board Member and trip host.
The Alumni Association and Mike Thomas want to thank everyone who supported the fishing excursion, and thank you most of all for supporting future students who will benefit from the Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity Alumni Scholarship.